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Cyber News

Managed Security Services vs. Traditional Security

Managed security services vs traditional security

The protection of information and corporate data has become a top priority for businesses in every industry.

With the constant increase in cyber threats, it is crucial to adopt a holistic and proactive approach to cybersecurity.

As the complexity of IT infrastructures grows, most companies struggle to manage all the necessary procedures to preserve the integrity of their systems.

Two common approaches to ensuring business security are managed security services and traditional security.

Traditional cybersecurity solutions require the purchase of hardware and software, as well as the management and maintenance by an internal IT team.

On the other hand, Managed Security services involve the integrated management of security activities through an external IT partner.

In this article, we will explore the differences and highlight the advantages of managed security.

Differences between Managed Security Services and Traditional Security

Traditional Security

Traditional security relies on internally installed security solutions within the company. This approach requires the purchase, installation, and management of security tools and technologies, such as firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection, and so on. Additionally, it requires specialized IT staff to monitor and manage these solutions.

While traditional security offers a certain level of protection, it has some limitations:

  • High costs: Implementing traditional security solutions can involve significant upfront costs. It requires purchasing hardware, software, licenses, and hiring specialized personnel to manage and maintain these solutions over time. This can be burdensome for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited resources.
  • Maintenance and updates: Traditional security solutions require constant maintenance and updates to remain effective against new emerging threats. This involves committing internal resources to monitor the system and apply necessary security patches.
  • Limited reactivity: Traditional security often reacts to security events after they have occurred. This means that a company could be exposed to risks and potential damages before countermeasures are implemented. The lack of 24/7 monitoring can lead to delays in detecting and responding to attacks.

Managed IT Security Services

Managed security services is an approach in which an external security service provider takes responsibility for monitoring and protecting a company’s infrastructure and data.

Here are some of the advantages that managed security can offer over traditional security:

  • Specialized expertise: with a managed security service, you have access to a team of highly skilled security experts who stay updated on the latest cyber threats. These professionals can constantly monitor the infrastructure, identify and promptly respond to emerging threats, providing more effective protection.
  • Cost reduction: thanks to managed security, a company can avoid the high upfront costs associated with purchasing and managing traditional security solutions. The security service provider takes care of all technical aspects, including updates, maintenance, and security patch implementation. This allows the company to save valuable time and resources.
  • 24/7 monitoring: a managed security service provider offers continuous monitoring of the company’s infrastructure, ensuring a timely response to security events. This means that attacks can be detected and addressed immediately, minimizing the risk of damage and losses.
  • Flexibility and scalability: managed security services can be tailored to the specific needs of a company. The security service provider offers customized solutions that can easily scale based on the company’s growth and evolution. This allows for adequate protection at any stage of the business lifecycle.

Managed Security for SMEs

A practical example demonstrating the benefits of adopting a managed service can be found in the industrial sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

Managed cybersecurity services are particularly advantageous for SMEs that often lack the financial resources or personnel to manage cybersecurity solutions internally

Additionally, SMEs may not have access to the latest cybersecurity technologies.

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