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Cyber News Cyber Services

The new IT Managed Security Services from CyberTrust 365

IT Managed Security Services

The expansion of the IT Managed Security Services offering addresses the growing trend of an increasing number of companies, particularly SMEs, relying on an external Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) due to a lack of in-house personnel and financial resources to manage cybersecurity activities.

The New IT Managed Security Services

The extension of CyberTrust 365’s IT Managed Security Services is a response to the constant increase in cyber threats.

According to the latest Clusit Report, incidents detected in 2023 have risen by 12% compared to the previous year and by a staggering 65% when considering Italy alone.

Protecting digital assets is a fundamental pillar for any company. It not only directly impacts its reputation but also affects relationships with customers and suppliers and compliance with various binding laws and regulations.

Since its inception, CyberTrust 365 has always offered a comprehensive IT Managed Security Services suite that is modular, scalable, and developed based on the capabilities of its proprietary SIEM & SOAR SGBox Platform, tailored to the real IT security needs of companies.

The response to increasingly pervasive threats

Below are the new managed security services offered by CyberTrust 365, developed to further secure the corporate IT perimeter against the evolving cyber threats:

  • Brand Protection: Protecting the corporate image is a key factor in increasing trust with customers and business partners. With the Brand Protection service, improper use of the company’s brand and website domain can be detected through a thorough analysis of digital touchpoints.
  • Security Advisor: The Advisor service provides in-depth consulting to set up a customized defense strategy and resolve corporate IT security issues.
  • Security E-Mail Gateway: Emails are one of the most used vectors by hackers to deliver malicious software. The Security E-Mail Gateway service protects your company from email-borne threats through constant analysis and detection activities to identify known and emerging threats.
  • BYOS (Build Your Own SOC): The BYOS service is dedicated to channel resellers, Partners, and MSSPs who want to build their own private SOC.


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